Welcome to PyTorch Tutorials ============================ To learn how to use PyTorch, begin with our Getting Started Tutorials. The :doc:`60-minute blitz ` is the most common starting point, and provides a broad view into how to use PyTorch from the basics all the way into constructing deep neural networks. Some considerations: * If you would like to do the tutorials interactively via IPython / Jupyter, each tutorial has a download link for a Jupyter Notebook and Python source code. * Additional high-quality examples are available, including image classification, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, machine translation, and many other applications, in `PyTorch Examples `_. * You can find reference documentation for the PyTorch API and layers in `PyTorch Docs `_ or via inline help. * If you would like the tutorials section improved, please open a github issue `here `_ with your feedback. Lastly, some of the tutorials are marked as requiring the *Preview release*. These are tutorials that use the new functionality from the PyTorch 1.0 Preview. Please visit the `Get Started `_ section of the PyTorch website for instructions on how to install the latest Preview build before trying these tutorials. Getting Started ------------------ .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/pytorch-logo-flat.png :tooltip: Understand PyTorch’s Tensor library and neural networks at a high level :description: :doc:`/beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/landmarked_face2.png :tooltip: Learn how to load and preprocess/augment data from a non trivial dataset :description: :doc:`/beginner/data_loading_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: This tutorial introduces the fundamental concepts of PyTorch through self-contained examples :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/examples.png :description: :doc:`/beginner/pytorch_with_examples` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/sphx_glr_transfer_learning_tutorial_001.png :tooltip: In transfer learning, a model created from one task is used in another :description: :doc:`beginner/transfer_learning_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/hybrid.png :tooltip: Experiment with some of the key features of the PyTorch hybrid frontend :description: :doc:`beginner/deploy_seq2seq_hybrid_frontend_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/floppy.png :tooltip: Explore use cases for the saving and loading of PyTorch models :description: :doc:`beginner/saving_loading_models` .. .. galleryitem:: beginner/saving_loading_models.py .. raw:: html
Image ---------------------- .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/eye.png :tooltip: Finetune and feature extract the torchvision models :description: :doc:`beginner/finetuning_torchvision_models_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/stn/five.gif :tooltip: Learn how to augment your network using a visual attention mechanism called spatial transformer networks :description: :doc:`intermediate/spatial_transformer_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/neural-style/sphx_glr_neural_style_tutorial_004.png :tooltip: How to implement the Neural-Style algorithm developed by Gatys, Ecker, and Bethge :description: :doc:`advanced/neural_style_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/panda.png :tooltip: Raise your awareness to the security vulnerabilities of ML models, and get insight into the hot topic of adversarial machine learning :description: :doc:`beginner/fgsm_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/cat.jpg :tooltip: Use ONNX to convert a model defined in PyTorch into the ONNX format and then load it into Caffe2 :description: :doc:`advanced/super_resolution_with_caffe2` .. raw:: html
.. Audio .. ---------------------- .. Uncomment below when adding content .. .. raw:: html
Text ---------------------- .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/chat.png :tooltip: Train a simple chatbot using movie scripts :description: :doc:`beginner/chatbot_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/char_rnn_generation.png :tooltip: Generate names from languages :description: :doc:`intermediate/char_rnn_generation_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/rnnclass.png :tooltip: Build and train a basic character-level RNN to classify words :description: :doc:`intermediate/char_rnn_classification_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Explore the key concepts of deep learning programming using Pytorch :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/babel.jpg :description: :doc:`/beginner/deep_learning_nlp_tutorial` .. galleryitem:: intermediate/seq2seq_translation_tutorial.py :figure: _static/img/seq2seq_flat.png .. raw:: html
Generative ---------------------- .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Train a generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate new celebrities :figure: /_static/img/dcgan_generator.png :description: :doc:`beginner/dcgan_faces_tutorial` .. raw:: html
Reinforcement Learning ---------------------- .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Use PyTorch to train a Deep Q Learning (DQN) agent :figure: /_static/img/cartpole.gif :description: :doc:`intermediate/reinforcement_q_learning` .. raw:: html
Extending PyTorch ---------------------- .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Create extensions using numpy and scipy :figure: /_static/img/scipynumpy.png :description: :doc:`advanced/numpy_extensions_tutorial` .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Implement custom extensions in C++ or CUDA for eager PyTorch :description: :doc:`/advanced/cpp_extension` :figure: _static/img/cpp_logo.png .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Implement custom operators in C++ or CUDA for TorchScript :description: :doc:`/advanced/torch_script_custom_ops` :figure: _static/img/cpp_logo.png .. raw:: html
Production Usage ---------------------- .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Loading a PyTorch model in C++ :description: :doc:`advanced/cpp_export` :figure: _static/img/cpp_logo.png .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Convert a neural style transfer model that has been exported from PyTorch into the Apple CoreML format using ONNX :description: :doc:`advanced/ONNXLive` :figure: _static/img/ONNXLive.png .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Parallelize computations across processes and clusters of machines :description: :doc:`/intermediate/dist_tuto` :figure: _static/img/distributed/DistPyTorch.jpg .. raw:: html
.. ----------------------------------------- .. Page TOC .. ----------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :includehidden: :caption: Getting Started beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz beginner/data_loading_tutorial beginner/pytorch_with_examples beginner/transfer_learning_tutorial beginner/deploy_seq2seq_hybrid_frontend_tutorial beginner/saving_loading_models .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Image beginner/finetuning_torchvision_models_tutorial intermediate/spatial_transformer_tutorial advanced/neural_style_tutorial beginner/fgsm_tutorial advanced/super_resolution_with_caffe2 .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Audio .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Text beginner/chatbot_tutorial intermediate/char_rnn_generation_tutorial intermediate/char_rnn_classification_tutorial beginner/deep_learning_nlp_tutorial intermediate/seq2seq_translation_tutorial .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Generative beginner/dcgan_faces_tutorial .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Reinforcement Learning intermediate/reinforcement_q_learning .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Extending PyTorch advanced/numpy_extensions_tutorial advanced/cpp_extension advanced/torch_script_custom_ops .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Production Usage intermediate/dist_tuto advanced/ONNXLive advanced/cpp_export